School Location: | Kanyana village, Bantwal taluk, Dakshina Kannada district, Karnataka |
No. of Students: | 43 + 374 + 199 |
Grades: | Classes LKG+UKG, 1 to 7, 8-10 |
Requirements: | The Higher Primary section has 43 students in LKG+UKG and 374 students in classes 1-8, 10 teachers. Classes 1 to 3 have both English and Kannada mediums. Has 6 good classrooms, another 6 classrooms in a tiled roof building are old. Classrooms are insufficient for the student strength. Also, do not have sufficient toilets and urinals for the student strength. The High School section has 199 students in classes 8-10, both Kannada and English mediums, 7 teachers. This section has sufficient classrooms, kitchen is not in good condition and boys' toilets are also not in good condition. |
OSAAT Proposal: | For the Higher Primary section: construct 4 classrooms and a toilet block for boys and girls; for the High School section: repair and refurbish the existing kitchen and construct a new toilet block for boys. |
Estimated Cost: | INR 85 L (USD 110K). |
Funding: | This project is funded by donors in USA. |
Status: | Construction started with the ground breaking ceremony on 28-Oct-2022, completed with the inauguration of new facilities on 22-Jun-2023. |