School Location: | Masthi village, Malur taluk, Kolara district Karnataka |
No. of Students: | 916 |
Grades: | Kindergarten and Classes 1-8 (Kannada and English) |
Requirements: | The school has 22 rooms of which only 8 are in good condition. Toilets are insufficient, Kitchen is too small. For their student strength, they will need at least 21 classrooms and another 5-6 rooms for office room, staff room, science lab, computer room, library, etc. |
OSAAT Proposal: | OSAAT is constructing 20 classrooms, toilet blocks, kitchen, dining hall, etc. |
Estimated Cost: | INR 6.50 crores (USD 783K) |
Funding: | This project is funded by a donor in the USA. |
Status: | Construction started with the ground-breaking ceremony on 06-Mar-2024, expected to be completed in Jul-2025. |
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