School Location: | Chachadi village, Savadatti taluk, Belagavi district, Karnataka |
No. of Students: | 475 |
Grades: | Classes 1st to 8th (Kannada and English mediums) |
Requirements: | The school has 4 buildings with 22 rooms out of which only 10 rooms are in good condition. School needs 16 classrooms and few more rooms for office room, staff room, science lab, computer lab, library, etc. |
OSAAT Proposal: | OSAAT proposes to build 6 classrooms (each for 40 students). OSAAT also proposes to provide benches and desks for these 6 classrooms. |
Estimated Cost: | INR 100 L (USD 120 K) |
Funding: | OSAAT is looking for donors for this project |
Status: | Now in planning phase |
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