Impact of the OSAAT and ODiSI Programs

Over the past 20 years in operation, OSAAT has impacted students and teachers in over 110 schools in rural India covering over 10 States.  

Annually, more than 18,000 students benefit with  classrooms, proper workspaces, sanitation facilities, kitchen, drinking water and  library.

Better schools and infra has seen increased school enrollment and attendance numbers, especially for girls. State governments have seen the successes and have increased funding for further enhancing the infrastructure.

Then Karnataka Education Minister Shri Suresh Kumar recognizes and offers to OSAAT a partnership on all its programs (construction as well as ODiSI)


The OSAAT Digital School Infrastructure (ODiSI) Program was initiated in June 2021 to bridge the loss of school hours and learning tools during Covid pandemic lockdown. The program is innovative and has shown measurable impact.   In its 4th year after inception, ODiSI is currently operating in 70+ Schools.   Over 10,000 students and 800 teachers are benefitting, annually, in 6 rural Taluks of Kolar, Mysuru and Bengaluru (rural) districts.

Preselected schools with 100 to 150 students were provided with laptops for teachers and IPads for students. With software from DIKSHA,  Google Classroom/Microsoft Team and other basic learning apps.

  • Program approach is to motivate teachers and students to use ODiSI, in a self-sustainable manner, without external intervention
  • ODiSI brings in a financial model where based on per student cost, donors can sponsor a certain number of students (any desired number).
  • ODiSI helps brings Gamification, AI and other learning innovations right into rural classrooms through its scalable architecture.
Please click and refer to ODiSI page for full details about the program.

General availability of ODiSI for other regions:

  • To start a new cluster anywhere there should be minimum of 10 to 15 schools with around 1500 students being benefitted in the grades 6 to 10.
  • Blended cost of deploying ODiSI is ₹4000 per student per year (about $65).
  • Along with hardware (SmartTV, Laptops, Digital Tablets), software, data, SaaS, Cloud storage, support, maintenance, volunteering engagement, content library,  centralized dash board analytics, rewards and recognition are part of the program cost.
  • ODiSI is technology agnostic and has been implemented using both Google and Microsoft technologies in distinct and separate clusters.

Custom ODiSI Dashboard

Provides near – real time information on functions and usage to educators, and policy makers and allows for course corrections that can be customized for each school. Includes Device Telemetry.

Support OSAAT by making a life changing donation here.