School Location: | Karaikurichi, Ariyalur district, Tamil Nadu |
No. of Students: | 950+ |
Grades: | Classes 6th to 12th (Tamil and English mediums) |
Requirements: | The school has 23 rooms out of which 6 rooms are in a shed with tin roof. The school requires 21 classrooms and few more rooms for office room, staff room, labs, library, etc. Toilets and kitchen are in OK condition. |
OSAAT Proposal: | OSAAT proposes to construct 4 classrooms. We also propose to provide benches and desks for these classrooms. |
Estimated Cost: | INR 68 L (USD 82 K) |
Funding: | This project is funded by an OSAAT donor in India. |
Status: | Currently in the planning phase. |
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