Naatya Raaga Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the NR 2024 Dance and Music contest format and rules:

The contest is for amateur artists only.

The contest is mainly for groups with one Solo category of not more than 10 participants on a first come basis (open category for all ages and all styles).

Each performance must be original, never before entered into any other contest or show. 

For the dance contest, props and costumes may be used as appropriate, showcasing the beauty, elegance and style of dance

Dance Classification by type: Indian Classical, Semi-classical, and Folk dances

Music Classification by type: Indian Classical and Semi-classical  music

Classification by age:  Junior (ages 8-12), Senior (ages 13-17) and Adult (18+)

Duration of performance (not to exceed):

  • Classical (both music and dance contests) - 8 minutes
  • Semi-classical (both music and dance contests) - 6 minutes
  • Folk dances - 6 minutes

The information below is applicable to both music and dance contests

  • Read the Rules and FAQ thoroughly.
  • Submit a completed, signed Application no later than August 10, 2024.
  • You may compete in more than one category.  Each category requires a registration fee of $35 per person if participating by group, or $45 if participating individually.
  • Registration fees are non-refundable except if a category is canceled.

There can be multiple scenarios as follows. Choose your option that best fits your situation: 

You can register whether affiliated with a school or not. 

If you are affiliated with a school, it is your responsibility to make sure you are not violating any agreements you have made with your school about contests.  If you are a minor contestant, your application must be signed by your parent/guardian

If you are the director of a dance/music school, you can register as many contestants as you want.  Each contestant must be registered with a separate application and registration fee.  You have the opportunity to showcase all the styles you teach.

If you are a director of a dance/music school, your students may register on their own. We are not responsible for any agreements you have made with your students about contests.

Yes. A registration fee will be required for each category.

It is quite possible that a category may not have sufficient number of contestants. Under such circumstances, OSAAT reserves the right to cancel a category or combine it with another category, based on the number and type of registrations. Historically, we have made logical decisions. For example, we will not combine folk and classical dance categories. All such decisions will be announced well in advance and all affected contestants will have the option to continue or withdraw.

The general guideline is that we want you to showcase the rich tradition and cultural heritage of Indian music. Bhajans, shlokas, film songs, abhangs, bhavgeet or patriotic songs are all acceptable. This applies to both dance and music.

As far as film songs are concerned, you may find beautiful compositions from great composers and songwriters. These songs reflect devotion, compassion, love, forgiveness and a variety of values we all uphold. Also keep in mind that hundreds of Meera bhajans, Kabir dohas, Purandara Dasa kritis have actually made their way into films. We recognize them for what they are, even though their rendition in a film may be different from a classical style that we are familiar with. Just avoid songs that are improper, indelicate, suggestive or risque.

No. The music contest is for singers only. An instrumental artist can accompany a singer but only the singer will be considered as a contestant. OSAAT’s signature event “Vaadya Vaahini” is for instrumental music only.

No. Accompanying artists must also be in the same age group as the singer.

Yes. Alaap, kalpana swaras, mano dharma, and other “style” elements that are authentic and original to Indian classical music (Carnatic or Hindustani) can be included in your rendition.  Be as creative as you can be. A word of wisdom from some of our previous judges is -  a simple rendition delivered perfectly is better than a complex piece delivered with imperfections. 

Yes. Accompaniments can make or break a performance. For that reason, the judges will only take into consideration the singer’s performance.

Registration: (applicable to both music and dance contests)

Last date to register is August 10, 2024.  

Submit a duly filled out, signed application with a registration fee.

A contestant may compete in more than one category.  Each category requires a separate registration fee.

Registration fees are non-refundable except if a category is canceled

Steps to follow:

Read the Dance Rules, Music Rules and FAQ thoroughly

Submit a completed, signed Application by August 10, 2024. 

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