OSAAT Q4 2023 Newsletter

Dear friends,
As we are proceeding towards the end of the year, we are very proud and privileged to announce the highlights of OSAAT from the last quarter of 2023.

The projects completed in this quarter were:
- Mattigatti, KA: This project was funded by donors in the USA. Four classrooms and a toilet block for boys and girls were constructed.
- Tovinakere, KA: This project was funded by two corporate donors in India. Four classrooms, a toilet block for girls, benches and desks were constructed.
- Dasudi, KA: This project was funded by a donor in the USA. Three classrooms, a kitchen block, and a store room was constructed. Apart from that, benches and desks was also constructed.
- Bachegowdanahalli, KA: This project was funded by a donor in Singapore. Three classrooms were constructed.
- Anegundi, KA: This project was funded by a donor in the USA. Four classrooms, a library and benches and desks were constructed.
The projects which were started in this quarter were:
- Neora, BR: This project was funded by a donor in the USA. Four classrooms and a toilet block is proposed.
- Siripura, TL: This project was funded by a corporate donor in India. Three classrooms, of which each can accommodate 40 students, are proposed.
- Bellare, KA: This project was funded by donors in the USA. Eight classrooms and a toilet block, benches and desks for the classrooms is proposed.

Vaadya Vaahini 2023
Being one of OSAAT’s signature events, Vaadya Vaahini has been the most awaited event of the year. Vaadya Vaahini is a contest held for various categories of musical instruments like Wind and String, Percussion, and Combined category. The contestants were divided based on their age group. Each time, a new bunch of talents are recognized and the participant numbers have been increasing rapidly. This year’s Vaadya Vaahini was held virtually on the 7th, 8th, 14th and 15th of October, 2023.
Vidyadaana 2023
Vidyadaana 2023 is the annual fundraiser event. This year’s event was held on the 18th of November, 2023 at Aria Restaurant, Milpitas. We could raise more than a million dollars in the event and that’s definitely a life changing moment for many students. Here are a few pictures from the evening.
Saadhane 2023
Saadhane is an event that is held at the end of the year to celebrate the success of the events held all together in that year. Saadhane 2023 was held on 25th November 2023 in Bengaluru, India. Ms. Nivruti Rai, CEO of Invest India and noted author, speaker and educator Dr. Gururaj Karajagi were the chief guests of this year’s event.

Updates on ODiSI®
OSAAT Digital School Infrastructure (ODiSI) has been a great success. Operating in 61 rural schools from 5 Taluks, 2 districts, 9400 students, and 400 teachers are benefitting through this program. Apart from the usual teaching, there have been many activities that are being carried out such as teacher training workshops, recruiting of on school coordinators, bi-weekly check-in, inspection and review of every school, volunteering, library programs, refresher training, etc. The percentage of participation exceeded 80%, whereas the actual number predicted was 70%. We hope that the numbers will increase in the following year. From Intellectual property authorities of India, ODiSI® is now recognized as a valid registered trademark of OSAAT.
For this academic year, OSAAT has already completed 3 baselines and the fourth is underway. On an experimental basis, ODiSI has also introduced Solar PV based power to support its program in remote schools.
In the coming academic years, there are plans to expand ODiSI® to additional rural regions both within Karnataka and other states. OSAAT looks forward to collaboration with other non-profits, Corporates and interested institutions to expand this model.
On behalf of OSAAT, we would like to wish you all a happy new year 2024.